Selling your home can be a stressful process and sometime lengthy, if you are not prepared from the beginning. The process will be much easier if you partner with an agent with knowledge and ability to help you avoid these common home selling mistakes.

Price Correctly

Your agent should provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help price your property correctly. A CMA gives you much needed data that compares your property with other similiar properties that have sold, are pending and are currently on the market. As you will see below, overpricing your home is typically not a good sales strategy. Overpriced homes usually sit on the market longer and generate fewer showings as a result.

It's tough not getting emotionally involved when selling your home. Remind yourself that it's a business transaction and think of your reason for selling. Click To Tweet

It’s a Business Transaction

It’s tough to not get emotionally involved when selling your home. Maybe the potential buyer is requesting a long list of repairs or credits. Maybe they want you to throw in the washer and dryer, some artwork and rugs. Discuss with your agent and remind yourself that it’s a business transaction. Consider your end result.

  • Are you selling to move closer to family?
  • Are you selling to downsize?
  • Are you selling to give your children a larger yard to play?

Focus on your WHY. The rest will work itself out with the help of your Realtor®. Here are some common home selling mistakes and how to avoid them.

Professional Photography

There are two more items I would add to the list. The first is to make sure your agent hires a professional photographer. It is now more likely that the person that eventually purchases your home has viewed it online. If viewers are not immediately attracted to your home they will click on to the next property. It’s a bit like being on a dating site. You have only a few seconds to make a great first impression. Make those few seconds count with professional photos. According to the National Association of RealtorsⓇ (NAR), in 2016, 44 percent of buyers looked for properties online first. Make sure your home is making a great online impression.

If viewers are not immediately attracted to your home they will click on to the next property. It's a bit like being on a dating site. You have only a few seconds to make a great first impression.Click To Tweet

Professional Staging

I am sure that you love your home just the way it is. However, potential buyers might not feel the same way. A professional home stager will give you honest feedback and stage your home without emotion. You likely have emotional attachments to your things. They do not. They are looking at your home from the potential buyers view point. “Staging is preparing a home for sale so the buyer can mentally move in.” -Barb Schwarz

According to the National Association of RealtorsⓇ (NAR). one-third of buyer’s agents said home staging increased sales price by 1% to 5%. Who wouldn’t want to sell their home for more money? Remember, the goal is SOLD in the least amount of time and for the highest price.

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Selling a home can be an emotional time. Hiring a Realtor® with a proven marketing plan that includes professional photography, staging and knowledge of your market will make the process much easier for you and help you avoid home selling mistakes. They will be able to look at your home objectively, and partner with experts that will make your home more attractive to potential buyers. When you are ready to move, make sure to sign up below for my email list and I will send you a Moving Checklist and Selling Checklist that will help you stay organized through the process.

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Home Selling Mistakes | Sonja Pound | Naples Florida