Crafts, cooking and so much more this weekend in Naples. Honor the Heroes at many events including Tiburon Golf Club and Freedom Park. Hard to believe that was so many years ago. We were all affected by that tragic day. Please take a moment to pause and honor those that we lost. 

Looking to get away? Naples Yoga House is hosting a Yoga Cruise. More of a home body? Check out Sea Salt’s Virtual Cooking Class.

Friday, September 11th

#HonorTheHeroes with @TiburonNaples, a @goPureFL Yoga Cruise, a virtual cooking class with @SeaSaltNaples and more await you this weekend!Click To Tweet


Saturday, September 12th

Sunday, September 13th

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Disclaimer: Events are subject to change. Please check with the venue’s website or call to confirm.

Weekend Events | Naples FL |  September 11 – 13, 2020

Interested in being a featured event? Email Sonja at [email protected] with event date, time, details, event coordinator’s name and contact information.